Thursday, August 24, 2006

New Article - 10 tips on implementing a single sourcing solution

We've produced another set of tips. This time it's 10 tips on implementing a single sourcing solution.

I'm still a little nervous that the automatic response system isn't working perfectly, so if anyone requests the article and doesn't receive an email within 24 hours please email me and let me know.

Ginny is back from her honeymoon. As I'll be taking a week's holiday in the English sunshine next week, she'll be our primary point of contact next week, handling enquiries and the like.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Requesting the "12 Tips"

There seems to be an intermittent problem with the automated response system that handles the requests for our "12 tips to hiring a technical author". So we're going to see if we can fix it this afternoon.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Ginny got married

Thank you for all the messages we recieved passing on good wishes to Ginny. It was a great wedding on Saturday, which ended, in Galician tradition, at 6am the following morning. At the reception we watched a wonderful Galician folk group sing and dance, and we toasted the couple with Queimada.

Ginny will be back to work in a fortnight, after her honeymoon.