New: Live and online version of Advanced Technical Writing Techniques

Cherryleaf logoWe’ve been asked by a number of people if we could offer our Trends in Technical Communication Workshop – Advanced Technical Writing Techniques course to delegates outside of Europe. We would love to deliver classroom courses overseas, but the practicalities of visa restrictions and the logistics of organising a public course mean it’s very difficult to do.

As a way of delivering the course to delegates in the USA and elsewhere, we’ve decided to offer this course, in a “live and online” format over the Web. Using Google+ Hangouts, the one day course will be spread over three days (3 x 2 hours):

  • 1st July 10am EST -12 PM EST, followed by
  • 2nd July 10am EST-12 PM EST, followed by
  • 3rd July 10am EST-12 PM EST

EST = Eastern Standard Time. (3pm-5pm UK time). The course is live, not recorded, with delegates completing exercises and able to ask questions during the course.

The first course is limited to just 5  delegates, and it is for non-UK based delegates only.

For details, including how to book on this course, see Trends in Technical Communication Workshop – Advanced Technical Writing Techniques course.

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