Techwhirl reviewed our website

Craig Cardimon recently published a review of the Cherryleaf website on the Techwhirl website. You can read it here: Cherryleaf: Technical Authoring is Alive and Well across The Pond.

It’s always interesting to discover how others see you. I don’t think Craig  discovered this blog (he called our main web pages the blog), but overall, the review is very fair.

As it happens, very soon, we’ll be rolling out a new design for our website. Our web designer, Zac, is developing new templates and a new visual page design for us. There will be more colour,  graphical, and video content (we’re in the studio recording some new videos this week).

We’ve encouraged him to question everything. This process, together with some email exchanges with Andrea Ames, has also prompted us to start to make some changes to the way we generate enquiries. Andrea is setting up a techcomm consultancy in the USA, and she was kind enough to share some marketing ideas. These changes will take a little longer to implement, so they may appear a little while after the new design goes live.

One change you’ll see is the website and the blog will be more closely integrated. The site will load more quickly, too. Some the content in the “useful info” section will be retired or redesigned. The goal is to improve the usability, credibility and usefulness of the site for you.

We always love feedback on our site (and our services), both good and bad. If you think we should be doing things differently, do let us know.


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