Podcast 118: What’s up Redocly?

Cherryleaf’s Ginny Critcher and Ellis Pratt discuss using the Redocly platform to create a developer portal and API documentation. More information: Redocly What is your developer portal’s KPI score? Transcript Audio file  redocly-final.mp3    Transcript  Speaker 2 This is the Cherryleaf podcast.  Speaker 3  Hi everybody, welcome to the Cherryleaf podcast. I’m Ginny Critcher and… Read more »

Leading and communicating during the Covid-19 lockdown

The Covid-19 lockdown is having a huge impact on people and organisations. With so many things that could be about to change, how should organisations respond to the communication challenges they face? What’s your plan for the future? We’ve put together a free elearning course that looks at the Covid-19 communication challenges. The course describes… Read more »

Oh dear

This is a photo taken by Garr Reynolds.