Survey shows documentation is the No. 1 way that developers learn about your API

2024 Developer Survey results for top online resources developers use to learn how to code show technical documentation as top resources for 83.9% of respondents followed by Stack Overflow with 80.3%

The 2024 StackOverflow annual survey results are in. As in previous years, they’ve highlighted a crucial aspect of software development: the immense value developers place on good documentation. Even with the growth of chatbots and AI being built into developer tools, it’s interesting to see that traditional learning resources are still hugely important. Key findings… Read more »

Podcast 149: Promoting the value of techcomm

We’ve created some YouTube Shorts on promoting the value of techcomm.  In this podcast episode, we talk about the process of creating the videos and the content in the videos. Transcript Hello and welcome again to the Cherryleaf Podcast. My name is Ellis Pratt. I’m one of the directors at Cherryleaf, and we’re a technical… Read more »

A nine-point strategy for developing a successful API documentation portal

Below is a strategy for developing a successful API documentation portal. By following these steps, you can create a plan for building a documentation portal that meets the needs of your API users, and supports the goals of your organisation. Overview of the steps Step One: Determine your audience For example, you need to know:… Read more »

What will ChatGPT mean for the future of technical communication?

ChatGPT was launched last week. On the website, it states: ChatGPT: Optimizing Language Models for Dialogue We’ve trained a model called ChatGPT which interacts in a conversational way. The dialogue format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer followup questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests. ChatGPT is a sibling… Read more »

Podcast 118: What’s up Redocly?

Cherryleaf’s Ginny Critcher and Ellis Pratt discuss using the Redocly platform to create a developer portal and API documentation. More information: Redocly What is your developer portal’s KPI score? Transcript Audio file  redocly-final.mp3    Transcript  Speaker 2 This is the Cherryleaf podcast.  Speaker 3  Hi everybody, welcome to the Cherryleaf podcast. I’m Ginny Critcher and… Read more »