Policies and procedures writing services

Clear policies and procedures tailored to your organisation

Cherryleaf’s expert policies and procedures writers helps create customised documentation that provides staff with a reliable framework to follow.

This reduces ambiguity about responsibilities and expectations, leading to more confidence and control over day-to-day operations. With clearly written policies as a guide, employees gain the freedom to carry out tasks efficiently.

Managers benefit from enhanced consistency and accountability. Good policies and procedures documentation can give you confidence your staff are doing their jobs well.

Partnering with us means gaining the peace of mind that comes with having robust protocols in place to address priorities, enforce standards, and facilitate independent decision-making at all levels of your company.

You and your team know how to run your business. What we do is write policies and procedures documentation for you that communicates this clearly. Our proven methodology lends certainty in uncertain times.

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About the problem

Policies and procedures should be one the first places managers and staff go to when they have any doubts about what they should do.

The problem is, people often find it hard to write them well. It’s one of those tasks that often doesn’t seem like a priority, when you’ve got so many other things to do.

Poor or missing policies and procedures are some of the main reasons why staff find themselves stuck, wasting time or making mistakes.

Sometimes, they have to deal with contradictory information.

They can also find it hard to find the right advice quickly.

Your policies and procedures will also come under the spotlight if things go seriously wrong.

The Benefits


Employees can easily reference procedures when they need guidance.


Equipped with clear guidelines, your team can operate with confidence and autonomy. Our policies foster a culture of responsible independence, where decisions are made swiftly and effectively within a secure framework.


We create easy to follow procedures using clear English, so employees can quickly understand expectations.


Consistent information across different departments within an organisation means that people can find information more easily. It can also ensure alignment across the business.


Users want policies and procedures that are effective in achieving their intended goals and objectives, such as improving quality, reducing risk, or enhancing efficiency.

They may also want to know:

  • Why does this work matter?
  • What are the key beliefs and values?


People want policies and procedures that allow for some degree of flexibility and adaptability to changing circumstances, while still maintaining compliance with relevant regulations and standards.


We help you create policies and procedures that are relevant to people’s job duties and responsibilities, without having to sift through irrelevant or unnecessary information.


Secure your foundations: Our expert team crafts policies that protect your business interests and assets. From data protection to compliance standards, we can help you ensure every aspect of your business is safeguarded against emerging threats.


Three types of organisations we help

Organisations reorganising and merging

You have teams that are doing the same work in different ways. You want to have a consistent, standard way of doing things, and communicate these to staff.

Organisations that need to rely less on word-of-mouth communication

You want move away from relying on important knowledge being held inside a few people’s heads, as your company grows in size.

Companies getting their policies and procedures ready for an IPO/public listing or company sale

You’re planning to get new investment in your organisation, and you need to demonstrate it’s run and managed efficiently and effectively. You need policies and procedures to show this.

The types of content we create or update

HR policies and procedures

  • Equality
  • Diversity
  • Anti-bribery
  • Maternity
  • Recruitment and staff induction
  • Staff handbook

Health and Safety policies and procedures

Supply Chain and procurement

  • Roles, responsibilities & authority
  • Preparation for procurement
  • Selecting the right procurement procedure and contract
  • Supplier selection
  • Negotiation
  • Award of contract
  • Management of the procurement
  • Close out and learning

Sales and marketing policies and procedures

  • Brand marketing
  • Customer acquisition
  • Sales team training and on-boarding
  • Customer credit finance approval

Finance policies and procedures

  • Accounting standards
  • Fixed assets
  • Tax
  • Treasury & cash management
  • Funding
  • Travel & Expenses
  • Cash and debt
  • Hedging
  • Cost control
  • Capitalisation
  • Projects (including DevEx and CapEx)
  • Payroll
  • Revenue Recognition
  • Inter-Company charges
  • Premium accounting and unearned income
  • Claims and reinsurance accounting
  • Investment accounting
  • Bank reconciliations
  • Year-end accounts

Operating procedures

  • Complaints handling

IT security and data privacy procedures

  • Policies that ensure you conform to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • Anti-virus
  • email and Social Media
  • Information Governance
  • Risk register
  • Malware prevention and detection policy
  • Removable media policy
  • Systems updates procedure
  • User access permissions policy
  • Disaster Recovery plan
  • Business Continuity plan
  • Monitoring and response policy
  • Home and mobile working policy
  • Controlled document procedure
  • Cyber Security Events and Incidents procedure

Writing chatbot-ready content

Our procedures writers can format content so it can be readily imported and used by large language models. This helps AI efficiently access materials and provide clear, precise responses to staff.

Planning and estimating how much content you need written

We have created an experimental chatbot that can help you with planning and estimating your policies and procedures. This chatbot is configured to help you plan and scope policies and procedures that are complete and up to date. It can advise on topics such as what documents they will need, how long it will take, the skills you’ll need.

You can ask it questions such as:

  • Help me plan my policies and procedures writing project
  • Help me estimate the time required for our project
  • Tell me more about your policies and procedures writing services
  • Tell me about the training course on policies and procedures writing

See: Cherryleaf policies and procedures planning chatbot

It can’t advise on pricing, legal matters, or write the documents for you. If you’re looking to bring in outside help, contact our polices and procedures writing team at Cherryleaf.

We also have a procedures page calculator spreadsheet for estimating how much content you need written. Contact us and we can send you a copy of it.

What we don't do

We can’t tell you how to run your own business.

We are also not experts in law, so we cannot advise on compliance with state regulations.

We do not sell boilerplate templates for ISO 9000, staff handbooks etc. We do have a number of policies that we have written in the past, which we may be able to adapt and repurpose for your situation. However, you need to know what you want your policies and procedures to be.

Case Studies and Examples

Case Studies

Creating an easy to use Listener Guide for the Samaritans and the Prison Service

Developing procedures for a rapidly expanding company

Case Study: Samaritans procedures clarified and put online

Examples of policies and procedures

On our examples page, you’ll find examples of:

  • HR policies (employing new staff policy)
  • Controls-based financial procedures (VAT reporting and payment)
  • Management processes and staff roles and responsibilities (in a responsive web layout)
  • An online employee portal
Recruitment Policy Example

Updating and improving existing content

In this video we take an old Brigade Order from a Fire and Rescue Service and go through the process of improving it so it’s easier to understand. This can involve making the information clearer and easier to find. It can often involve identifying and fixing any areas that are incomplete. We can work with you to correct any information that’s inaccurate or otherwise out of date.

How It Works

You’re unique, and your polices and procedures will be different from anyone else’s.

Our simple process makes it easy to get the policies and procedures you need:

  1. We discuss your requirements and scope the project
  2. Our writers interview your subject matter experts to understand your operations
  3. We write clear draft policies and procedures tailored to your needs
  4. You review the draft and provide feedback
  5. We incorporate edits and finalise the documents
  6. You receive professionally written procedures you can immediately implement

Discover more about how Cherryleaf can help you provide the right content for your audience, simply and efficiently.

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Contact us

Get in touch today to discuss how we can provide your company with clear and actionable policies and procedures.

Our clients are based mostly around  the UK, Europe and the USA (although if you are based elsewhere, we still may be able to help).

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    Tell us a little about your situation.
    For example, it would be helpful to know about your requirement, the scope of work, your audience, if there are any deadlines, and/or the budget. (*)

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