Reflections on the TCUK 2018 conference

It is conference season at the moment, and last week we attended Technical Communication U.K. conference 2018 (TCUK). The official theme for this years conference was “The pursuits of the Polymath”, but in reality it seemed to be about quiet confidence and quiet leadership. This was one of the most optimistic TCUK conferences I have… Read more »

Transcript of Promoting Technical Communication to the General Public

Below is a transcript of our podcast episode Promoting technical communication to the general public: Welcome to the Cherryleaf podcast. In this episode, we’re going to look at explaining technical communication, and promoting its value to the wider general public. Because that’s the question the Institute of Scientific and Technical Communicators (the ISTC) had to address recently. The ISTC is the professional… Read more »

Promoting technical communication to the general public

In our latest Cherryleaf Podcast episode, we look at one way the Institute of Scientific and Technical Communicators (ISTC) used to promote technical communication at the University of Cambridge’s Careers fair: Lego TIE Striker™ Microfighter Video – What is technical communication? ISTC Please rate the Cherryleaf Podcast on iTunes