Podcast 148. Using AI in techcomm – 2024 survey results

In April 2023, we conducted a survey into the use of AI and ChatGPT in technical communications. We thought it would be interesting to carry out a similar survey again. In this podcast, we talk about the results from the survey and describe what has changed over the last 12 months. Transcript This is the… Read more »

Chatbot for planning and estimating policies and procedures

We have created an experimental chatbot that can help you with planning and estimating your policies and procedures. See: Cherryleaf policies and procedures planning chatbot The chatbot is based on OpenAI’s GPTS technology. A GPTs is a customised version of ChatGPT that combines instructions, extra knowledge, and other skills. This chatbot is configured to help… Read more »

New content added to our Using Generative AI in technical writing course

We have added a knowledge file to our Using Generative AI in technical writing course. This knowledge file is a user guide for an imaginary application called ABC video player. Delegates can use this file when creating a chatbot if they don’t have their own content they can use. Some delegates told us they were… Read more »

Using multiple AI agents in a technical documentation production workflow

Microsoft's diagram of three AI agents exchanging information

There’s been a lot of buzz recently around agentic AI tools like Microsoft’s Autogen and CrewAI.   Could they be used in a technical documentation production workflow setting for automating some of the work carried out when creating user documentation for software?   What are agentic AI tools?  The core idea behind agentic AI systems is… Read more »