Here are some links to useful information on managing documentation projects: Support Call Cost Reduction Calculator Six biggest mistakes Project Managers make with documentation and how to avoid them Planning user documentation – a guide for software project managers How many technical writers should we have in our organisation? In a downturn, is it better… Read more »
Tag: documentation
Turning technical documentation into an emotional experience (for the customer)
One of the most recent trends organisations are starting to look at is creating a “customer experience strategy”. “Customer Experience Management” is management-speak for generating customer advocacy, brand loyalty and an emotional attachment to a product or company. With so many people describing their experiences as customers via Social Web sites, Blogs and other media, it’s becoming increasingly important to ensure customers have… Read more »
The “risk challenge” for businesses emerging out of the recession
The fear of risk seems to be growing in significance within organisations. According to Intellect, the trade body for UK technology companies: Operating risks have changed significantly as a result of prevailing economic conditions over the past 18 months. Companies have been under severe economic strain and are focused on adjusting to a drastically changed… Read more »
How checklists can save your life
Dr Atul Gawande is currently in London, touring the radio stations to promote his book “The Checklist Manifesto“. Dr Gawande is a surgeon in Boston Mass., who has been looking at how to deal with complexity in surgery and elsewhere. He has discovered that complex systems work, mostly through people using checklists. Furthermore, no matter… Read more »
UK General Medical Council’s solution for reducing prescription errors? More usable, better designed forms
The BBC News today has a great example of the impact procedures documents and usable forms can have upon people’s lives. It reports the General Medical Council is is calling for a UK-wide standard prescription chart as the best way to reduce the 9% of hospital prescriptions that contain a mistake. Against common opinion, the study found it wasn’t doctors… Read more »