We’re very pleased to say Cherryleaf’s Ellis Pratt has been asked to speak at the MadWorld 2014 conference. Presenting at MadWorld 2013 was great fun, and it looks like MadCap Software is putting together another great event. Ellis will be doing three presentations: DITA for Dummies Do presentations on DITA send you to sleep? Do… Read more »
Writers shouldn’t code… or should they?
Editor’s Note: This post has been written by Dr. Tony Self of HyperWrite. Tony will delivering DITA training during October at Cherryleaf’s training centre in London. In the field of technical communication, an argument crops up from time to time saying that technical communicators shouldn’t have to know anything about XML, because writing is writing,… Read more »
The business benefits of DITA – in graphic novel form
We’ve put together a free illustrated guide that explains the business benefits of the DITA authoring and publishing standard. It’s suitable for Technical Authors and non-Technical Authors. You’ll find this guide is in graphic novel (or comic) format, comprising 18 colour pages. You can download the guide from the Cherryleaf website in EPUB, PDF and… Read more »
How does DITA compare to a Help Authoring Tool?
One of the key questions when considering moving to the DITA authoring standard is: how is it different from what I have today? If you create technical documentation using a Help Authoring Tool, such as Flare or RoboHelp, you’ll probably want to compare DITA to these. It’s not as easy a question to answer as… Read more »
Which problems were the creators of DITA trying to solve?
We’re currently working on updating our DITA Basics training course. It’s likely we’ll offer the course as an self-study online course, a classroom course, and as a live tutor-led course delivered over the Internet. In carrying out this exercise, we realised that there was a need to answer some basic, fundamental, questions. So let’s look at some… Read more »