Podcast 144: Corporate rebranding – how it affects technical authors

This month’s podcast looks at what is involved in a corporate re-brand and what is involved for technical authors if their organisation decides to rebrand. What is a corporate brand? And what is involved when an organisation decides to rebrand? As part of the research for this podcast we looked at various websites which are… Read more »

Podcast 139: Techsmith’s Daniel Foster on the contentious relationship between technical writers and video content

In this podcast episode, we talk to Daniel Foster, Director of Strategy at TechSmith, about the contentious relationship between technical writers and video content. A growing trend among technical writers is the integration of video content alongside traditional documentation and visuals, offering a dynamic and immersive medium to enhance user understanding and engagement. However, writers… Read more »

Podcast 136: Generative AI, what do the buzzwords mean?

When people talk about AI, chatbots, and tools like ChatGPT, all the new terminology can make it hard to understand how it all works. In this episode, we’re going to look at the definitions of some of the words that you might hear. Register for our webinar Using AI in techcomm: What you asked, and… Read more »

Podcast 135: Writing procedures needed for regulatory compliance

In this episode, we talk about writing procedures that are needed for regulatory compliance. By this we mean organisations that might be investigated by a regulatory body. We describe the different approaches to creating the content. Transcript Welcome to the Cherryleaf Podcast In this episode I want to talk about writing procedures that are needed… Read more »