Podcast 129: Your first 90 days as a Documentation Manager

We asked on Social Media: Someone joins as/becomes a manager of technical writing team. What would you advise they do in their first 90-100 days? In this podcast episode, we go through the responses we received.   Transcript This is the Cherryleaf Podcast. Hello and welcome again to the Cherryleaf Podcast I’m Ellis Pratt, one… Read more »

Podcast 128. Optimising technical documentation for Search Engines

Our latest episode of the Cherryleaf Podcast looks at optimising technical documentation for Search Engines. Links: Podcast 62 Looking back on the presentations at The Evolution of TC 2019 conference 99 Percent Invisible: Search and ye might find Transcript This is the Cherryleaf Podcast. Hello and welcome. To the podcast. My name is Ellis Pratt…. Read more »

Podcast 125: Who we, and others, are hiring

In this episode of the Cherryleaf Podcast, we look at hiring trends. Transcript This is the Cherryleaf Podcast. Hello and welcome to the Cherryleaf podcast. In this episode we’re going to be looking at hiring opportunities for technical communicators. So let me give you some background. Cherryleaf has a project team that provides documentation services,… Read more »

Podcast 124: Technical writing timesavers

We asked: Does anyone have any techcomm timesaver tips they’d like to share? This is what you told us… Transcript Hello and welcome to the latest episode of The Cherryleaf Podcast. In this episode, we’re going to look at technical writing time saving techniques. Technical writing is more than just writing. A Technical Author or… Read more »

Podcast 119: Trends in technical communication for 2022 and beyond

It’s that time of year for us to gaze into our crystal ball and share your and our predictions for the future of technical communication for 2022 and beyond.   Via LinkedIn Wouter Veeken Software/API Tech Writer at Booking.com Unprecedented talent shortages   Robert Powers Senior Technical Writer Leading to more automation of basic writing/editing… Read more »