Earlier in the year, we asked a number of people in the technical writing community for their thoughts on what should be included in a training programme for managers of documentation teams. We received a lot of great ideas and ended up with a list of over 60 potential topics. We’ve initiated the development of some… Read more »
Tag: Training
Training courses on technical communication
New FrameMaker Training Dates
We’ve just updated our Web site with the latest dates for the public FrameMaker classroom training courses. These cover the period November 2009 to February 2010.
Training course on Twitter and the Social Web: Developing a strategy for technical authors
We’ve just relased a new training course that explains where the Social Web, and Twitter in particular, can fit into the world of the technical author/writer. Originally delivered as a presentation for the prestigious User Assistance Europe Conference 2009, it has been extended and converted into a training course, containing videos and demonstrations of software applications,… Read more »
Transatlantic video interview with Anne Gentle on the Social Web for Documentation
We’ve just uploaded a 15 minute extract from a transatlantic video interview I recently conducted with Anne Gentle, where we talked about The Social Web for Documentation. The sound is a little patchy on the first slide, but it improves afterwards. A longer, 37 minute, version will be available to anyone who purchases the Cherryleaf Learning Zone… Read more »