Reflections on TICAD

The TICAD conference focussed on process, particularly single sourcing and translation. It was in marked contract to the ISTC conference, which focussed on value – of the outputs technical authors produce. Ellis spoke on the estimating, reporting and costing of documentation projects. It seemed to be well received. The last speaker, James Woudhuysen, talked about… Read more »

Orwell on writing good English

Justin found an essay by Orwell on writing good English. It includes these rules: Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print. Never use a long word where a short one will do. If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it… Read more »

Apple issues audio user manual

Apple has developed an “audio book” version of its Getting Started manual for Mac OS X. What’s your policy on audio manuals?

Our next networking event

Cherryleaf networking events are (almost) monthly events for software and documentation people. The events have no dress code and are open to anyone. The purpose of the evenings is to mix, network, do business, share ideas and have some fun! Join us between 18.30 and 22.00 hours on Thursday 8th December for a few drinks… Read more »