Podcast 138: Generative AI and Techcomm, lessons learnt so far

In this episode of the Cherryleaf Podcast, We reflect on the lesson learnt so far as a result of developing our upcoming elearning course on using Generative AI in technical communication. Transcript This is the Cherryleaf Podcast. Hello again. Welcome to the Cherryleaf Podcast. In this episode, we’re going to reflect on things that we’ve… Read more »

Podcast 136: Generative AI, what do the buzzwords mean?

When people talk about AI, chatbots, and tools like ChatGPT, all the new terminology can make it hard to understand how it all works. In this episode, we’re going to look at the definitions of some of the words that you might hear. Register for our webinar Using AI in techcomm: What you asked, and… Read more »

Register for our webinar Using AI in techcomm: What you asked, and the answers

You can now register for our webinar on Thursday 29th June: Using AI in techcomm: What you asked, and the answers As a way of bridging the gap between the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the specific needs of Technical Communicators, we conducted a survey within the technical communications community. We wanted to uncover the… Read more »