Podcast 149: Promoting the value of techcomm

We’ve created some YouTube Shorts on promoting the value of techcomm.  In this podcast episode, we talk about the process of creating the videos and the content in the videos. Transcript Hello and welcome again to the Cherryleaf Podcast. My name is Ellis Pratt. I’m one of the directors at Cherryleaf, and we’re a technical… Read more »

Survey results: Why does your organisation have end user documentation?

Here are the results from our short survey into the reasons why organisations have end user documentation: (n=20) What can we learn from these answers – perhaps that there isn’t one single dominant reason why organisations have end user documentation. The results suggest its value in reducing costs and retaining customers is seen as more important than its… Read more »

The new marketing funnel for software and other technology products

Prospective customers today know more about products than they have ever done. Many people tend to search for the solution to their problem on the Web and through Social Media before they buy a product or service, and many of them never even touch the product before buying it. This means the “marketing funnel” has changed into a loop…. Read more »