User documentation from an accountant’s perspective

My first job out of college was in financial auditing, and I’ve often found the time I spent learning the ways of the accountant useful in understanding business fundamentals. So how does User Assistance (user documentation) appear through the prism of accountancy? Is it an asset? Assets are things you buy that have a value… Read more »

Content Strategist v Technical Author – spot the difference

CEO: How do your team perform this quarter? Content Strategist: We increased web site visits by 10% CEO: How can we improve this? More budget? ——- CEO: How do your team perform this quarter? Technical Author: Our page productivity increased by 10% CEO: How can we improve this? By working harder?

Take part in the Cherryleaf user documentation strategy survey 2011

Involved in user documentation? Then please take part in the Cherryleaf user documentation strategy survey 2011. It aims to take a strategic look at user documentation, looking at aspects such as the purpose and value of (and future trends in) user documentation. By user documentation, we mean user guides, online Help, web based Help, screencasts… Read more »

Our client’s fire risk assessment report generator goes live this week

In the UK, every building, apart from private single dwellings, needs to be assessed for fire risk every three years. To do this, a fire risk assessor will assess the building and write a report on their findings and recommendations. For offices, these reports can be 30 pages long, and it can take an assessor… Read more »